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An Interview with Can EREL
Nuri Demirag Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School Magazine, Annual Magazine #1 | 2023 

An Interview with Can EREL on his professional course of 45 years in aviation, his future foresight and recommendations.

(To read full version on the interview in Turkish...) 



An Interview with Can EREL: "Turkish Gender Balance Fostering Efforts In Aviation Is A Fırst In The World With Its Structure, Content And Systematics"
UTİKAD Magazine, Quarterly Magazine of the Association of International Forwarding and Logistics Service Providers - A | M | J 2020

An Interview with Can EREL on aviation by focusing on gender balance fostering efforts, aviation education system and his future foresight in the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic effects in Turkey.

(To read full version on the interview in Turkish...) 



CAN'CA Interview: "A Tiny Nest: A Van Carrying to Aircraft Engineering"
Moment-Expo, Monthly Magazine of the Turkish Machinery and Accessories Exporters’ Association - September 2019

A Can EREL's interview with Said Hamza BAŞ, an aeronauical engineer who was one of the “CAN’CA Scholarship of Success" students and lived in tthe van with his brother during his undergraduate studies in the Istanbul Technical University







An Interview with Can EREL: "Can'ca Gender Balance Development Efforts"
'B-Kapısı', the periodical of Bağcılar Vocational & Technical Anatolian High School (V&TAHS), İstanbul - Special Edition for Women Of Aviation Worldwide Week; 8 March 2018.

A 'B-Kapısı' interview with Can EREL about his efforts with the aim of fostering gender balance in aerospace, aviation and defense industries and WOAW (Women Of Aviation Worldwide) Weeks in Turkey on December 1st, 2018.




Result of AIAA “Aircraft Engine Design Competition 2016” and Some Considerations
ITU Foundation Magazine #74 - November 2016

A personal assesment about the competition result and AIAA “Aircraft Engine Design Competition"s...









"Let Women Soar!"
Moment-Expo, Monthly Magazine of the Turkish Machinery and Accessories Exporters’ Association - October 2016

A Moment-Expo's interview with Can EREL about his effort as a "Can'ca Intellectual Projects" product on fostering gender balance in aerospace, aviation and defense industries nd WOAW (Women Of Aviation Worldwide) Weeks in Turkey.



Can'ca Conversational Lecture on "Aviator and Aircraft Analogy" & Preperation for Woman of Aviation Worldwide Week 2017
Sabah NewsPaper – October 4, 2016

News about Can EREL's lecture on "Aviator and Aircraft Analogy" to the first-year aeronautical engineering students in Istanbul Technical University and his efforts on advancing gender balance in the (air and space) aerospace and aviation industries…





Can EREL was awarded by the Women Of Aviation Worldwide
Hürriyet NewPaper - April 2016

News about Can EREL's "Most Acclaimed Organizer Worldwide  (other activity)" award by the Institute for Woman of Aviation Worldwide (iWOAW).





CE is certifed as "Women Friendly" Initiative by iWOAW
Institute for Women Of Aviation Worldwide e-Letter - May 2016

A Brief about "Women Friednly" organization and the seal.





Aviation Industry from Transportation Viewpoint - Developments of Global & Domestic Markets 
ITU Foundation Magazine #72 - April 2016

A personal industrial evaluation with the facts & figures.





Turkey's Awards for the Women of Aviation Worldwide (WOAW) Week 2016 by the Institute for Women Of Aviation Worldwide
ITU Foundation Magazine #72 - April 2016

A Brief about the success of Turkish organizators during WOAW2016 Week.





"Can'Ca Scholarship of Success
ITU Foundation Magazine #65 - August 2014

A Brief about scholarship, "Can'Ca Scholarship of Success" created with the revenues of the book, " Can'Ca Remarkable Traces of Industrial Development in Turkey" (ISBN 978-605-125-753-2 / Research & Analysis, Turkish / March 2014, Istanbul - Turkey)





"Can'Ca Remarkable Traces of Industrial Development in Turkey"
Mühendisname- ITU Alumni Association Magazine #43 - August 2014

A Brief about Book, "Can'Ca Remarkable Traces of Industrial Development in Turkey" (ISBN 978-605-125-753-2 / Research & Analysis, Turkish / March 2014, Istanbul - Turkey)






"A Unique Fellowhip: Can'Ca Scholarship of Success" by O.AROLAT 
Dünya Daily NewsPaper, 7 July 2014

A Brief about the succes & merit-based fellowship for an aeronautical engineering undergraduate girl stıdent in İstanbul Technical University, as a product of the income of the book, "Can'Ca Remarkable Traces of Industrial Development in Turkey" by Can EREL





"Role Models do Contribute to the University" by Can EREL
ITU Foundation Magazine #64 - June 2014

A Personal View and Recommendations about Istanbul Technical University & the Future"





"Can'Ca Remarkable Traces of Industrial Development in Turkey"
ITU Foundation Magazine #64 - June 2014

A Brief about Book, "Can'Ca Remarkable Traces of Industrial Development in Turkey" (ISBN 978-605-125-753-2 / Research & Analysis, Turkish / March 2014, Istanbul - Turkey)





"A Moment of Silence for the Heroes in Turkish Aviation"
OSTIM Magazine - March 2014

An Interview about the Book, "Can'Ca Remarkable Traces of Industrial Development in Turkey" (ISBN 978-605-125-753-2 / Research & Analysis, Turkish / March 2014, Istanbul - Turkey)  





"From the First Woman Flying to the First Woman Pilot: A Centennial Journey"

Milliyet Daily NewsPaper, 8 December 2013 

News about Conference - “Turkish Woman in the Development Process of Turkish Aviation” by Can EREL
from the Memorial Event for the centennial of Mrs. Belkıs Şevket - the first Turkish woman to fly - organized by the ITU WSC in SET with a cooperation with the ITU Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics






"Turkish Women have been Experiencing the Centennial in the Sky"
SkyTech, Turkish Technic Magazine, December 2013

A Breif about about the centennial of Mrs. Belkıs Şevket - the first Turkish woman to fly with the contribution by Can EREL.






"Airctaft MRO Market, Turkey and myTECHNIC, The First Greenfield Lean Aircraft MRO in The World"
Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Newspaper, 13 March 2009

A Breif about the project "myTECHNIC" with Facts and Figures.







"Bearing Unit Production to Soar"  

Tinker Take Off Newspaper, 3 June 1998

A news About Turkish Project Team and "Bearing Refurbishment" Project"  in the US Air Force OC-ALC Propulsion Division Bearing Shop